Punctual! Precise! Cost-effective!
That is what our customers have valued most about us over the years - since 1991, to be precise.
This was the year that Wolpert Modell- und Formenbau GmbH was founded - the beginning of a true success story. From these humble beginnings, a powerful group has grown, which currently consists of eight highly specialised, independent companies with over 350 employees, generating around 60 million euros in revenue. We manufacture prototype and serial production tools as well as production parts.
WOLPERT Modell- und Formenbau GmbH
Bretzfeld-Schwabbach - Germany
- Plastic injection moulding tools
- Prototypes & serial production
- Short & special production series
- Processing of two types of plastics
- Hybrid parts: Plastic with metal inserts
BECKENBACH Formen- und Modellbau GmbH
Schönau - Germany
- Multi-components
- Car body sealing systems
- Glass encapsulation
- Interior systems
BECKERT Modell- und Formenbau GmbH
Bad Friedrichshall - Germany
- Model and mould construction
- Injection moulding tools & serial production moulds
- Interior fixture construction
- Tool service “Maintenance Plus”
KW Karosseriewerke Weinsberg GmbH
Bretzfeld-Schwabbach - Germany
- Drawing and stamping tools
- Embossing, cutting and punching tools
- Follow-on composite tools, one-off tools
- Serial production of thick and thin sheet metal
- Machining of tools with a unit weight
WOLPERT Automotive GSW
Wroclaw- Poland
- Complex welding assemblies
- Stamped and moulded parts
- Follow-on composite parts
- Number of units: 1-100,000 units
- Drawn parts
Bad Friedrichshall - Germany
- Inspection gauges, test equipment, test gauges
- Measurement adaptors, workpiece jigs
- Fixtures according to customer specifications
- Inspections with final measuring reports
- Inspection of gauge capabilities
Company Information